You read that right folks! Just like the title says, Vocaloid is coming in card form. When? Trial Decks are going to be available as of March 9th of 2013! It's long but it's something I've been anticipating for a long time now (read as two years!)
トライアルデッキ 初音ミク -Project DIVA- f
カード50枚入り構築済みデッキ 1,300円(税込)
プレイブック・プレイマット 同梱
Also, at the end of the same month of the same year, Project DIVA is going to be seeing its booster box release! Bushiroad is really starting to milk money off of fans and especially me!
ブースターパック 初音ミク -Project DIVA- f
1パック8枚入り 330円(税込)
1ボックス 20パック入り 6,600円(税込)
So if you haven't gotten into Weiss Schwarz yet, are you willing to get into it now? Even if it's just for collection?
For those who don't know what Weiss Schwarz is, stay tuned because I'm going to be posting up a What is it plus a tutorial on it. That or you can head on straight to look it up elsewhere online!
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