Once again we are close to the season ending of various Anime. Some will get a sequel, some will not. Which ones are fans voting for a must... Check the list after the jump!
Various Anime does not see the coming of a next season for a long time or they never even see it come to fruit. Fans have gathered to vote on which Anime has left them a bland flavour and the only way to rectify this unsavoury taste is to add another season to satisfy their pallet!
1 - Kuroko’s Basketball
2 - Sword Art Online
3 - Yuru Yuri
4 - Working!!
5 - K-ON!
6 - Natsume’s Book of Friends
7 - Inu x Boku SS
8 - A Certain Magical Index
9 - Durarara!
10 - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
I ask for, nay I demand!, a third season of To Aru! I want to see the Light Novel animated god damn it!

Other notable picks that haven't hit top 10 are Accel World, Angel Beats!, D.Gray-Man, Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha!!!
Nanoha ViVid and Nanoha Force anyone? That shit would be freaking awesome!!!!!
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