DIGIMON RPG!! WAIT! WHAT?! Please excuse me for a while for I just jizzed my pants!
This makes me want to pick up my PSP again! So from what I gathered, all of the old cast is back (the original series' director is also on board!) and the entire anime will be covered (54 episodes) as well as Our War Games. Furthermore, once you finish the game, you get a secret part where you meet up with the other Goggle Heads for an adventure all on its own.
As you watch the trailer, you'll notice that the game is turn-based and it looks like the major ones are definitely voiced. You can also see that the Chosen's Digimon partners' stats can be modified using some hexagon grid system. You also get event decision! What fun!!
Click the CC for subs!
Probably alternate endings? Take for example the SkullGreymon episode. Apparently one choice will result in Taichi and Agumon fighting together and the other choice leads to the two separating. How it will affect the outcome? I have no idea and I haven't read any report on it either. Those "what-if" moments I have only read in fanfiction...
What's an RPG without sub-quests? These sub-quests serve to deepen the bond of the characters and their partners. Furthermore, the scenes/dialogue will be completely original to the PSP game.
In celebration of its 15th Anniversary, a new Royal Knight has been revealed: Gankuumon! Stuck in the dungeon with a bunch of Goggle Heads, they all try to find this new Royal Knight as he possess the key in getting them out of dungeon that you get sucked into once you finish the game.
It is to be released on January 17th of 2013 in Japan. Will we see an English release? I haven no clue. All I can say right now is: BANDAI NAMCO GAMES, Shut up and TAKE my money!!!
Finally, V Jump also confirms that the previously reported limited edition pre-order Digivice ver. Portable is indeed a Digivice V-Pet on your PSP. The download code is included in the box. Digimon Adventure will be released Jan. 17, 2013 in Japan.
It's funny too since last night I just thought about starting a Digimon fic!
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