Say what now? Been off the internet for a bit because I was catching up on my Manga reading and when I decided I had enough material to do more reviews, I see this pop up?
A 14-year-old boy leapt more than 100ft to his death from the top of an apartment block in Chaikovsky, Russia, after seeing his favourite manga character killed in a cartoon.Source
Police say Leonid Hmelev died instantly.
The boy was reportedly devastated after seeing the death of the character Itachi Uchiha in the animated movie 'Naruto - Hurricane Chronicle'.
He left home after posting a message on a social networking site saying he was also 'planning an ending'.
His worried parents raised the alarm after he did not return home and a search was organised together with neighbours.
After being missing for two days his body was found yesterday and he was identified by his devastated father Ivan, 38.
He said: 'I always told him he spent too much time watching the TV - he didn't know what was reality and what was fiction anymore.'
I call serious mental disorder here. Freaking ridiculous seeing people committing suicide just because a character from a fictional world died. Damn Narutards (honestly no offence to those who love the anime/manga. I just hate it!)
I don't think this has to do with Naruto itself, this kid obviously had problems BEFORE he watched the show. I think if it was any other show, he probably would have done the same. The parents should be blamed for not taking responsibility towards him, if he had serious troubles telling fiction from reality, he needed help and all they did was say he watched too much TV (as if that would help!)