First and foremost, for those who don't know squat of what Netorare is... well...
Netorare, Japanese slang term "netorare" (寝取られ, lit. "taken away by sleeping with"), often abbreviated with the letters NTR
The results of a survey on marriage in Japan concludes that marriage in the country is less monogamous that what people have believed!
This survey was conducted with a population of 500 Japanese housewives.
The result:
-14.8% have freely admitted that they had sex with someone other than their husband whilst married.
Quizzed on how many partners these unfaithful had:
-60.8% had "2-5"
-36.5% had "1"
-2.7% had "6-10"
A writer familiar with the topic commented that having 2-5 partners is pretty common. So in other words, once you've done the deed the hurdle on expanding decreases pretty much. And obviously some try to lessen their guilt by calling this "extra-marital romance" as opposed to "adultery"!
These "extra-marital" trysts generally last long as per reports:
-48.6% lasted over 3 years
-20.3% lasted 1-6 months
-13.5% lasted 1-3 years
-6.8% lasted 6-12 months
-10.8% lasted under a month
The same writer remarks that "such affairs tend to last a long time as a way of preventing the family from collapsing. And with cell phones, adultery is easier than ever."
Is the absence of sex in the marriage itself -sexless marriage being extremely common in Japan- the reason for such an affair? The survey concluded it false as it found no correlation between adulterous acts and the lack of sex in the marriage.
Obviously men are also at fault here as a similar survey published shows that:
-44.8% had "never" cheated on their wives
-20.4% "only" had sex with prostitutes
-20.4% had cheated
-14.4% had enjoyed both prostitution and infidelity
What do our residents on 2ch have to say about this?
“Housewives with kids meet a lot of people so I suppose this helps.”
“First they get people to start calling casual prostitution ‘compensated dating,’ next adultery is ‘extramarital romance’ – when will these idiot women be satisfied?”
“Why are people so keen to dissuade single men from marrying with these kinds of findings?”
“They want to destroy Japan!”
“This is just some Korean survey designed to make Japan’s women look loose!”
“The figures seem a bit low really, I’d expect another 20% holding out on the survey.”
“1 in 7 is excessively low, what a bunch of liars!”
“I’d have thought 60-70% – if you limit it to wives who aren’t hideous.”
“When women do it, it’s extramarital romance. When men do it, it’s cheating and infidelity…”
“The surveyers are a bit simple for thinking women would answer this truthfully.”
“Today’s housewives are the enko generation so I doubt these figures will stay so low.”
“Wives in sexless marriages give some hot sex with all that pent up lust. Shame about the deterioration from childbirth though.”
“I don’t even have a boyfriend, how am I going to get in on this…”
“Get your kit off!”
“The way the original article is written is almost an endorsement of women’s right to cheat.”
“They really do seem intent on beautifying this…”
“When the mass media trot out random surveys like this, I fail to see how they are really any credible than the dross people spew onto 2ch.”
“And yet married men who use prostitutes are completely tolerated. Are you in any position to criticise women? This is just sexism.”
“The proportion of Japanese men who are unfaithful is probably triple this figure.”
“It must be 90% if you include prostitution.”
“In Arab nations they stone adulterous women to death, Japan could learn a lot from them!”
“Enjoy all those STDs.”
“So their husbands are just considered ATMs. Kind of like all those men who think sex with prostitutes doesn’t count as cheating on their wives and girlfriends?”
“I thought all you guys liked NTR?”
“Compensated dating and extramarital romance, aren’t euphemisms wonderful?”
“Honestly, I think the real issue here is how excessively hot women in their thirties and forties are these days.”
Share your thoughts on Netorare and the situation at hand, I am most interested on what people think!
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