FFXIII: Lightning Returns!!! Who is excited?!?!?!
If you thought I was then you're sorely mistaken! After playing FFXIII (I still haven't managed to Platinum that shit after all these years! Freaking Trapezohedrons don't want to drop!), I literally thought it was finished.
Then FFXIII-2 came out... and I was like "sonnova..." I'm a persistent dude and once I play a game and it becomes a series... I have to finish it. Despite my dislikes!
So FFXIII-2 changed it up a bit and I somewhat enjoyed it. The coliseum battles mostly! And Serah Farron was pretty hot in the whole game... so yeah...
Then the ending was a "what the fuck" moment to me... I mean really?!
So obviously there should be a sequel right? And they come out with FFXIII: Lightning Returns. You lot already knew about that though, however, Motomu Toriyama recently talked about how their "world driven" game would work.
Claire Farron has 13 days to save the world in the newest addition to the FFXIII series. While she tries to change the future (gah more of this shit), the world move at its own pace with a 24 hour clock day/night cycle. For those folks who suck at time management, well... good luck!
It was also revealed that players might not even reach the 13th day. Why? Because Lightning's actions can slow down the world's end or speed it up!
Yuji Abe says the in-game characters will be acting on their own schedule. That means that different events will happen during Day, Afternoon, Evening, and Night! Square is still adjusting the time of one FFXIII day, but Yuji Abe says that it will most likely be between 1-2 hours (in his opinion)
Sounds like Final Fantasy XIII: Majora's Mask to me! Anyone else?
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